Saturday, May 15, 2010

Basic's Dictionary

What is "Affiliate Marketing"?
Affiliate marketing (as related to Internet marketing) refers to the sharing of revenue between advertisers and publishers. Compensation is based on performance from sales, clicks, registrations or a combination of such.

What does "CPA" stand for?
"CPA" stands for Cost per Acquisition or Cost per Action and is a leading form of media buying that provides advertisers with the true value of a consumer. As a payment model, CPA means advertisers pay publishers per lead. The lead is a set action by the advertiser which publishers' users must complete. Such actions range from inputting email address or zip codes to purchasing a product. Payouts for set actions vary accordingly.

Above the Fold
Once a web page has loaded, the part that is visible is said to be 'above the fold'.

Adsense (Google)Text and image ads that are precisely targeted to page content, from which the webmaster earns a percentage of the price per click paid by the advertsier.

The person selling the goods or service; also knows as the merchant. The advertiser or merchant pays affiliates for sending traffic to the merchant's web site after a product or service is purchased.

Also known as "spyware", a program hidden within free downloaded software that transmits user information via the Internet to advertisers.

Adwords (Google)
Google's Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising program.

A website owner, search engine marketer, media buyer or email list owner who promotes a merchant's products or services and earns a commission for leads or sales.

Business to business marketing.

Business to consumer marketing.

Confirmation/Thank You Page
A page that loads when customer has completed the desired action.

Cost Per Acquisition/Action. Actions can vary from a user inputting their email address or zip code (email/zip submit) all the way up to the purchase of a product.

Cost Per Click.

Cost Per Lead.

Cost Per thousand impressions.

The advertisement provided by a client; banners, email text or html creatives, etc.

Click Thru Rate. The number of people who click on an advertisement after seeing the ad. Clicks/Impressions.

Effective Ccost Per Action.


Effective Cost Per thousand impressions; allows you to compare CPC, CPA and CPM pricing models.

The EPC is the "Earnings Per Click". This figure is calculated by dividing the commission by the number of clicks generated. The EPC will give you a gauge of how well your campaign and/or affiliate are performing. If you have a large number of clicks, but a low amount of commission, this will translate into a low EPC number, which would tell you that although traffic is being driven to your site, not many people buy something once they get there. You could then adjust your campaigns accordingly.

Incentivized Programs
A program where the user is given something in return for either clicking on an advertisement, viewing an ad, or completing the action. Clickbooth does not allow this form of marketing. We removed incentivized traffic from our network in June 2007 and were the 1st in the industry to do so. Incentivized traffic provides much lower quality for advertisers.

Landing Page
The first, and sometimes only, page of an advertisers offer. Should detail the action desired and have a strong call to action.

Information that would potentially be a consumer of a product.

Long Form Lead Gen
A form of data that includes a lot of info: address, age, etc. and typically some sort of qualifiers (ex: How much debt do you have?).

A 1x1 piece of code placed on the thank you or confirmation page of an offer. This pixel "fires" each time the page is loaded allowing us to track completed actions.

Pay Per Click, typically refers to search engine marketing where you pay for clicks.

A person or company that promotes traffic to our ad campaigns via their method of choice (search, email, contextual, onsite, path, networks).

Return On Investment.

Short Form Lead Gen

A form of data that does not include much more than just the email address, name and address.

The number of unique people as determined by IP address.


Uniform resource locator. The web address of a page.

A group of offers. For example: Health and beauty vertical, debt vertical, work from home vertical, etc.

Viral Marketing
Marketing phenomenon that encourages people to pass along a marketing message.


A website that tells you who actually registered and owns a certain website.

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